My star word for the year 2025 is “embracing”. For those of you who are new to star words, they are an Epiphany practice in which everyone receives a word (usually attached to a star). In the same way the magi were guided by a star, this word can be a guide for us in our prayer time throughout the coming year, serving to inspire or challenge. I have to admit that when I first picked up this word, my first thought was to wonder if God had me pegged as a hugger. I am not, and it would surely take me outside of my comfort zone to learn to become one.
So I prayed about this word….embracing. And then God showed up.
Last week we encountered this year’s version of snowmageddon. In Texas this usually involves some sort of precipitation, freezing rain, sleet, snow, and usually all three leaving the roads a big mess. It also means cold temperatures, which for many in Texas, brings to mind concerns about the power grid and whether we would have outages. In addition, during these events you can usually count on the disappearance of certain grocery staples, eggs, milk, bread, and toilet paper (although why people think they will need that much more toilet paper in the cold, I’m not sure).
Then the church I serve stepped in and stepped up. Many were concerned about folks needing a place to stay. While we don’t have a huge amount of folks in our county who are experiencing homelessness, the numbers have been growing. There are many who live below the poverty line and may struggle to keep heat going in their current living conditions or may not be able to get enough food to last while roads are in bad shape. In addition, there is always concern about power outages.
Immediately folks started planning how we would keep the church open and how we could accommodate people that may be in need. Food showed up, air mattresses, cots, and blankets showed up, and we put the word out to the community. The firefighters who were going to be on duty during the entirety of the bad weather showed up and asked how they could help. The Red Cross loaned us a few extra cots. People from the community stopped by to ask what we needed.
God showed up in a big way to show me what it looks like to be fully “embracing” of our neighbors and our community and it was humbling to see this church fully embrace God’s call. Embracing our community means that we work to make sure that all our neighbors’ needs are met, even and especially their basic physical needs. Embracing our community means we are prepared to provide hospitality no matter who walks through the door or why. Embracing our community means being a place where all our neighbors can come, both to give of themselves to care for those around them and to receive care from others, where we learn to embrace each other. Embracing our community means feeding people, feeding their bodies and in sharing the love of Christ with them, feeding their souls.
I pray God will continue to guide me with this word, continue to challenge and teach me, and that God will continue to show up in ways that leave me in awe, just like last week.