A Song in the Midst of Sickness

There is joy all around us…
Trying to minister in the midst of a pandemic is a different world. I spoke with a congregant today who is currently living in a retirement home. In an effort to keep all the residents safe, they are no longer able to leave their rooms, socialize with other residents, or even walk in the halls with one another. This, as you can imagine, can be very lonely for some of the residents who live alone.

My sweet congregant, after expressing how much he misses his church family, also shared with me that he has had no one to sing to while he’s alone and asked if I would mind if he sang to me. Friends, there is nothing in the world I would trade for this holy moment we both had while he sang “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” over the phone. It was a blessing and the moment was sacred.

A few take aways:
1. We are blessed to have the technology to be able to speak with people and hear their voices. Don’t just text someone, pick up the phone and take time to call.
2. There is beauty in the midst of all of this, actively look for it, seek it out in all that you do.
3. If you or your family has extra time, write a few handmade notes or color some pictures to send to your local retirement community (as safety and the community’s rules allow).

Human connection is powerful and there is joy to be found in each and every way in which we connect with others during this pandemic.
